O orgasmo acontence utiizando as vias neurológicas da dor. O orgasmo seria um “sofrimento desejável”?
Há evidências de que, neurologicamente, o sistema do orgasmo está intrinsecamente ligado ao sistema da dor; assim, a sensação de orgasmo pode ser considerada, paradoxalmente, uma forma de “sofrimento desejável”. Não podemos deixar de citar, como ilustração, a intensa careta facial expressa durante o orgasmo(prazer), que é bastante semelhante à de pessoas com dor extrema. […]
Como diferenciar BDSM de violência sexual?
BDSM (escravidão e disciplina, domínio e submissão, e sadismo sexual e masoquismo) é um interesse sexual e, para alguns, uma orientação sexual. Por definição, BDSM é consensual. A violência sexual é caracterizada por comportamento sexual intencional e não consensual. Os autores de violência sexual muitas vezes ignoram os desejos e limites dos seus parceiros e […]
Como funciona o orgasmo masculino após a prótese peniana?
Que a prótese peniana é a solução recomendada para casos de impotência sexual grave, você já sabe. Porém, ainda há um certo receio ou mesmo curiosidade em saber como acontece a ereção e o orgasmo masculino após a cirurgia de prótese peniana. Se esta é sua dúvida, continue lendo nosso artigo. Hoje vamos conversar sobre […]
Congenital curved penis: why does it occur and is it necessary to operate?
Hello Doha! Congenital curved penis is a deformation that affects about 3% of men. Present since birth, it is commonly noticed at puberty and the diagnosis is postponed due to the embarrassment of many boys in discussing the condition with their parents. Unlike Peyronie’s disease or tortuosity caused by trauma and fractures, it is present […]
How to choose penile prosthesis? Everything you need to know here.
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text text_lead=”yes”][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Hello Doha! The decision regarding the placement of a penile prosthesis needs to be made safely and with time to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each device, in addition to the costs that may involve each choice. The text below will provide consistent guidance on the templates, their installation and […]
How does male orgasm work after penile prosthesis?
Hello Doha! That the penile prosthesis is the recommended solution for cases of severe sexual impotence, you already know. However, there is still a certain amount of fear or even curiosity about how male erections and orgasms occur after penile prosthesis surgery. If this is your question, continue reading our article. Today we are going […]
Penile prosthesis surgery: Understand how it works
Hello Doha! Much is said about remedies for erectile dysfunction, however, when they fail, the most effective resource to regain rigidity and end this disorder once and for all is prosthetic surgery penile. Do you know this surgery? Do you know when it is really necessary to do this type of procedure? Or how does […]
Erectile Dysfunction in a Young Man
Hello Doha! Erectile dysfunction in young people is a more common problem than many people imagine. The big problem is that many young people are ashamed to seek help, or even talk about the problem, which can make it worse. The truth is that this type of problem can arise in any age group, and […]
8 Reversible Causes of Sexual Impotence
Hello Doha! When there are symptoms such as difficulty in having or maintaining an erection, or the appearance of flaccid erections, reduction in the size of the sexual organ or even difficulty in maintaining intimate contact in some sexual positions, it is recommended that you seek your trusted doctor, so that he can identify the […]
Penis shrinking: how do I know I’ve lost size?
Hello Doha! Penis shrinking or just impression? Is it really possible this is happening and how do I know I’ve lost size? These are just some of the questions asked by men who have noticed changes in their member measurements. And, although it seems worrying, for all causes, there are precautions that can be taken […]