Sexual impotence: When is it time to see a specialist?

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We know that sexual performance is often linked to self-esteem, and one of the most feared male sexual problems is erectile dysfunction. Sexual disorders can affect men and women at different stages of life, the good news is that for most of these problems, there is treatment. It is always good to point out that the appropriate professional to carry out this evaluation is a urologist.

First of all, let’s quickly remind ourselves what erectile dysfunction is.

Also known as sexual impotence, it is a disorder that can be of organic or emotional origin and boils down to the inability of the man to obtain an erection that allows satisfactory sexual activity with penetration.

When is the right time to see a specialist?

In the past, men took longer to seek a diagnosis, which in many cases only brought more discomfort to the patient. Therefore, if you identify difficulty maintaining a rigid erection in more than 50% of attempts, be aware of other signs, such as:

Sensation of sexual organ shrinking

Feeling the organ more withered or retracted, can be an indicator of sexual impotence, read this article and learn more.

Progressively less rigid erections

When the penis has some level of erection, but not enough for comfortable penetrative sex.

Curvature or deformities of the penis

Also known as Acquired Curvature, Peyronie’s disease is a health problem characterized by a fibrous scar present in the internal tissue of the penis that covers the corpora cavernosa.

How is erectile dysfunction treated?

The treatment of erectile dysfunction begins with the identification and control of risk factors, either through psychotherapy, medication or even surgical treatment. See what are the main health problems that can trigger erectile dysfunction.

First-line treatment

This phase includes treatments that refer to changing the patient’s lifestyle, whether medication, control and monitoring of risk factors, or psychotherapy.

Erectile dysfunction in young people, is it possible?

Second-line treatment

When first-line treatment is unsuccessful, procedures such as vacuotherapy, shock waves, associations and drug-induced erection can be adopted.

Third-line treatment

After none of the procedures have shown efficiency in the patient’s case, this is an indication made for when less invasive treatments fail. After a careful evaluation, the use of a penile prosthesis may be suggested. In this article, you will find various information about the penile prosthesis.

Remember that the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better quality of life you can have. In addition to performance during your sexual intercourse, an improvement in your overall health is one of the goals of treatment for erectile dysfunction.

The Instituto Peyronie blog is a safe information space that aims to bring you closer to specialized medical advice. Everything to make you feel safer and more confident in the search for the appropriate urological treatment.

Schedule your appointment now, we can help you!

Call Braziliam Medical Center – Doha-Catar +974 6679 6680 or chat in English using the Whatsapp link on this page[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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